Apache HTTPD Crib Sheet

Apache HTTPD Crib Sheet

The .htaccess file is a powerful directory-specific configuration file. You can use it to change a great deal of how your site behaves. Learn more about that below. Rerouting from www This trick is both for SEO and for personal gratification. I prefer to ditch the www...
Pronunciations Particular to Kansas

Pronunciations Particular to Kansas

In Kansas, we have some pronunciations that are particular to the area (which I hesitate to call mispronunciations, since I live here now). Here is a list, which I cannot presume is exhaustive, though it exhausted me. Arkansas (as in both Arkansas City and Arkansas...
Terminal Crib Sheet

Terminal Crib Sheet

Get your sha1 signature/hash of a file with shasum: $ shasum ./somefile.ext You can find documents/files/stuff using the find command: $ find . -name "*.txt" Find out which ports are being used by system processes using netstat: $ netstat -an | grep 8080 You can get a...
Mac Screenshot Destination Changed

Mac Screenshot Destination Changed

(This revised post was initially posted on 2013-07-30.) A co-worker showed me that (on the Mac) you can move the destination of screenshots (e.g. ⇧+⌘+4) from the desktop to another location. I am going to touch on a number of things all at once in pursuit of doing...